About Crow

This podcast is the result of worldwide reaction to the now famous Lunar Wave footage (first filmed September 26th, 2012) as well as the now massive collection of astounding HD clips shot from 2012 to present and uploaded to YT on the Crrow777 channel. As Crow’s popularity grew on YT so did censorship and limitations with regard to producing anything resembling free speech or uncensored video. Everything produced on YT by Crow recently has been limited by a line drawn by those in charge which limits what can be talked about or shown in video. During the past two years Crow has given a number of interviews which sparked the follower interest needed to launch this podcast. In short, this podcast is the result of interested people wanting to know more about our world and each and every member of the Crrow777 Radio podcast will be supporting free speech. There is a reason YT controls video serving and that is because it is not easy or cheap to serve video privately. I will be working toward being able to afford serving HD video here. This website will also provide members with direct access to Crow though comments – and all troll free as this site is privately operated, free of any social media restriction, data mining, trolling and frankly, BS. This site is meant for an adult conversation free of the growing restrictions and censorship of social media. FREE SPEECH is the goal here. It should also be mentioned that valuable communication happens in a polite environment so please leave hatred, foulness and all else that is YT to the trolls over there. Crow will close the door on that here. Welcome aboard the Crrow777 Radio podcast. It is time to challenge everything – ALL of it.

The image on this page shows the classic 8″ Meade SCT style telescope and Canon T2i (16MP) camera that discovered the lunar wave.