585- Q & A Part II – Spiritual Concerns Rise as Dishonesty & Corruption Normalize (Free)

This episode is part II (part one is episode 582) covering spiritually based questions submitted by members. I am noticing that as the world comes under increasing pressure spiritual matters are becoming more important, as we weather the winds of change. It is my sincere hope that each of you has found, and established, a (more…)

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583- Questions Asked as Spiritual Concerns Rise, and Dishonesty & Corruption Normalize (Free)

Our guest offered to do another two-part episode covering spiritually based question from members. This episode is part one of his responses, and part two will post as episode #585 on Wednesday the 24th., 2024. We are very lucky to have access to this man’s knowledge base, and he has offered to do yet another (more…)

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580.5- There Goes My Hero, Stepping Up Against Tyranny (Free)

We would be living in a very different world right now had many of us conducted ourselves as our guest did back in 2020. She demonstrates that rights do not exist unless you know the law, your rights… and then defend those rights. Change is coming fast and furious as the era shifts, and your (more…)

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580- Nutrition & Health in an Era of Sickness, Taking Control (Free)

In the current era death and sickness seem to be at an all time high. At least when compared to recent decades. From toxic chemicals in everything, to food that lacks basic nutrition, we are beginning to experience the importance of nutrition, and what happens when it is lacking. Poor nutrition combined with toxic metals (more…)

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579- Control, Limitation & 24/7 Tracking – The Age of Electricity (Free)

In this episode we cover the electric car. But in reality, the era of electric everything is at hand. From 15-minute cities, kill switches in cars, and electric money, the writing is on the wall. Electricity will be implemented in systems designed to limit, control and track everyone, every day, every minute, every second. The (more…)

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578- Th3 Numb3r Gam3, L3t M3 C0unt th3 Ways (Free)

Everything that happens in this world is the result of an action. There is no coincidence, if this is correct. For something to have happened, an event of some kind had to precede the outcome. The common example is that a rock tossed in water causes ripples. One could not rightly claim that the ripples (more…)

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577- A World of Made-up His-story and Agenda Ridden Science (Free)

Much of what we learned in school is no longer acceptable, and for good reason. From math, to history, and science, it is becoming very clear that our world has been shaped and systematized by power, secrets and agendas. Control, limitation and scarcity are the driving forces that have shaped everything from education and medicine, (more…)

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