January 7, 2025
Here we are at the civil new year. Don’t get me started on the problems with our calendar, but it is a tool used to control people and separate spirits from the truth and cycles existing solely in Nature. A life well synced in natural cycles resides close to truth and within the Creation provided for our advancement. Let’s talk about it.
There is a spiritual war in progress in our world, and it is coming to a head right now… maybe even this year. Certainly, some of the deciding factors will be pressed forward, and some already have been. When all is said and done, we will get what we allow. Much effort has been spent by tyrants to ensure the majority of us have forgotten how to say “NO”. When enough of us say “NO”, or refuse to accept what is being forced, changes in a better direction follow.
The first thing that gets lost when tyranny seeks control is truth. Truth resides, and is proven, in Nature. This is why tyrants seek to separate you from Nature, because in doing so, you are separated from truth and much more likely to accept false things as truth. Since tyrants cannot claim ownership of Nature, they are creating a parallel world that they can claim ownership of, and thereby exert control over you. That parallel world, this time around, is the digital realm and is in control of every facet of modern life. It is literally the antithesis of Nature, and inferior in every way. The controls being exerted are well underway. We are very near a world where you will own nothing and subscribe to access everything. Someone once said “Weaving spider, come not here”. Unfortunately, the weaving spider has already been here and its sinister binary web is everywhere, foisted upon us using ones and the zeros. And the latter does not even exist! This infamous line is lifted from “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”, Act 2, scene 2, which reduces to the master builder’s number.
An early example of tyrants separating lives, and the way we think, from the truth of Nature can be shown in the word “pagan” which precedes the church that imposed it. The word once meant someone who lived a rural life, or who was close to Nature. It is now a derisive word used to shame someone who does not accept the prescribed beliefs of those who employ the word. April Fools is another example of tyrants separating lives from Nature. The first month of the year was once correctly placed in March. April Fools was a term invented to shame those still celebrating the all-important new year, and refusing to accept calendar manipulation. In the modern era we have “Daylight Saving”. A control strategy put forward to ensure our lives do not settle into natural cycles by shifting the clock by one hour at both equinoxes in different directions. This thereby disturbs our ability to sync with Natural cycles. The announcement of the equinox is also manipulated to prevent you from recognizing its importance and Natural truth. A true equinox is when day and night are equal. These solar events were always celebrated by older cultures who knew why these 2 days each year are important (solstices too). In our time the wrong day is announced every year, and fools you to believe in a falsehood, far from the truth. The truth is that experiencing an equinox is dependent on where you are, or your geography. It is not the same day for everyone everywhere. Not to mention that the day announced by mainstream media is always 4-5 days late, and then 4-5 days early. Where you focus your attention and belief is a form of worship, and it matters. Those who have accepted falsehoods as truth over years begin to lose the ability to detect truth in the way a human being should be able to. They lose the ability to hear the “Ring of Truth”, so-to-speak.
Speaking of worship, that too has been subject to the manipulations of the tyrants bent on control of the world. One good example is the Sabbath. The Sabbath is not Sunday. As has always been true, Sunday is the day of the sun. There was a time when sun worship was mainstream. In our time it is still going on through subterfuge. Why would anyone worship the Creation and the Creator on the day of the sun when the Bible clearly places the day of worship on the Sabbath? In Genesis 2: 1-3 we find the reason why the Sabbath is the 7th day, and why it is the day to be kept “Holy”. “And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.” And for those who would argue ethnicity, or some other work-around to defend this manipulation, Saturday is the day of Saturn. Saturn is directly related to the Creation of this world which is found in information kept hidden by secret societies. Rudolph Steiner is one source who lays out how Saturn is directly associated with how this world began. And while the name Saturn is the same, it precedes what we currently call Saturn. Many are also familiar with the mythical accounts of a golden age when Saturn ruled. There is also a King named Saturn that relates to this idea prior to the founding of Rome. Go read Steiner if you want to get the full description released to us commoners in the late 1800s, or early 1900s. But to get back to the point, anyone who actually reads the Bible will see a very explicit explanation of why the Sabbath is the day of worship and rest.
So what? Why does any of this matter? It matters because a mind that has been separated from truth loses an instinctual connection to truth over time, along with the ability to detect truth in the first place. If you remain in hot water for a period of time your temperature will go up. In cold water, the reverse is true, and when you become accustomed to one or the other, that is what you are likely to gravitate towards. Force of habit, so-to-speak, and we are absolutely creatures of habit. And, unfortunately our falsehood habituated minds have ensured things like the pandemic are now possible. Truth and our ability to detect truth, is at a low-point. And now that the separation from Nature strategy has been employed for so long, all of the other strategies that have been piled on have created the world that we face now… and we allowed it to happen.
We have known for over 100 years that the so-called flu cannot be passed from person to person. And yet, contagion was the basis for the “End Game” push in the silent spiritual war. Again, Steiner is one of the sources who wrote about this a century ago. But, as we know, sources that challenge the mainstream are controlled to ensure very few minds get the opposing point of view. Those who seek the information can easily find it though. We were also told about damage wearing masks can do, over long periods of time, and the terrible danger of va”cc”ines. I would make a joke about how many CC’s were in the jab, but it is not funny. But we also know another thing about the flu that we could not have known back then. We know what causes it. But first, a critical point needs to be made.
The importance of where you focus your attention cannot be overstated. What is “worship” after all? It is intense focus paired with intention. And this one point illustrates why a spiritual path is critical. Are you not able to comprehend that hours and hours focused on a “device” with a scrying mirror attached to it can be equated with worship? Not to mention the addiction problem which creates a tool for those who wish to take advantage of a life bereft of any inclination in seeking truth… or the ability to detect truth in the first place. Mathew 7:7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” One who has no spiritual path, and does not seek truth, will likely be a victim in a realm where predators with strategies “Rome” freely.
Back to the cause of the not so common flu. The cause is electromagnetic. We covered this topic way back in episode #153. It was delivered in March of 2019, one year before the gates of hell were thrown open on 3/11/2020 where I live. The term “Electromagnetic Vampirism” was used to offer information that could have been very useful to endless numbers of souls one year later. Before you begin to argue, or think of ways to dismiss this information, I urge you to reread the passage from Mathew 7:7, and then put it to good use. Seek truth and you will find it. There are many sources a true seeker can find in the pursuit of truth. From books to studies, and beyond, the suppressed information is out there. I will draw from a book called “The Invisible Rainbow” to offer what I wish was common knowledge.
In 1889 the Earth’s natural harmonic field changed. In this year electric power lines descended on humanity. That same year an influenza pandemic called the “Asiatic Flu” or “Russian Flu” arrived in our world. In 1918 the era of radio began. Hundreds of LF AND VLF radio stations were built These frequencies are known to alter the magnetosphere of our world. In that year the “Spanish Flu” pandemic hit. In 1957 the era of radar began. Millions of watts of microwave radiation, with low frequency components, hurled out into our world. That same year the “Asian Flu” pandemic hit. In 1968 the satellite era began. The radiation, though low in power, was delivered directly into the magnetosphere. That same year the “Hong Kong Flu” hit. In our era the electromagnetic storm continues to support the world’s take-over attempt, and it has been built using electricity. In our era exists the terrible story of HAARP. If you wish to comprehend more, then it is up to you to seek it out. Seek and you will find. As one granted the Divine Spark of Life, and Freewill, it is up to you to defend what you have been granted.
Pick up the gauntlet of our time. Stand up for what you know to be right and true. Refuse all things that are abhorrent. And lastly, please consider the value of the Golden Rule! I want to wish you all a happy, healthy and higher-minded new era.

Comments (3)
This write up is perfectly timed, Crow. Thank you for everything.
Much to consider and avenues to research. Thank you
Fantastic writing my friend. Mathew 7:7 is maybe the most important verse in this time because so many are at such a low level they just need to pull their head up and seek!