615- Pawns in the Game Since 1773 (Free)

Is there an ongoing battle between good and evil? For my part, the answer to this age-old question is a resounding yes. In my view, this era of hyper-materialism and informational deception is a strategy designed to obscure a non-stop moral tug-of-war that seeks to diminish morality. The realities associated with this struggle, for me, (more…)

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614- Good Wine Needs no “Bush”, but Politics Does which Shows its Lack of Virtue & Value (Free)

When something is “good” it needs no advertisement. This is the meaning behind the title of this episode, “Good wine needs no bush”. One might apply this idea to politics to comprehend that it requires constant promotion, marketing, and advertisement, thereby unmasking its inability to exist by its own merits and value. In this episode, (more…)

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613- Military Industrial Complex = Ungovernable – Automated – Endless Conflict Machine (Free)

In my lifetime, I have known true freedom. Up until about my fifteenth year living in the countryside, I experienced absolute freedom. This was, of course, made possible by others who had less freedom than I did… my mother and father. They provided food, a roof over my head, and the other things needed to (more…)

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612- Let there be Tainted Light – The Blue Light (not so) Special (Free)

At nearly every turn, we see modern technology replacing quality and health with convenience and control. Modern lighting is an example of this. We have known for a long time about the health issues associated with certain types of artificial lights. Fluorescent lights are known to be harmful and toxic. However, their continued use is (more…)

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608- Secret Societies, the Sun & Rising Consciousness in the New Era (Free)

We are currently experiencing solar maximum. This relates to a supposed 11-year cycle that focuses on solar magnetism. During solar max, the sun’s activity increases, to include the number and frequency of sunspots and prominences. The sun is very active right now, and more so than I have ever observed. Along with increased activity from (more…)

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607- Cathedrals: Spiritual Paths in Glass & Stone are Vanishing (Free)

It was back in the spring of 2019 when I had been researching the amazing cathedrals of Europe. Specifically, France. To be a bit more specific, I was drilling down into Notre Dame and re-read “The Mystery of the Cathedrals” by Fulcanelli. Next, I proceeded to convert the research into episode #151 for the Crrow777 (more…)

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606- Chemistry Inc. Marries Supermarket Inc – Ingredients of Mass Destruction (Free)

America’s food supply is increasingly dominated by corporations that control every aspect of production, from seed to sale. But what happens when profit takes priority over nutrition and health? There is a growing concern about the quality and safety of U.S. food products. There are skyrocketing food recalls and troubling ingredient lists that too often (more…)

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