575- Socialism is Communism in Slow Motion (Free)

It is no secret that rights and freedoms have been on a steady decline since the new millennium, which was actually 2001, not the year 2000. After the events of 2020 it is also quite clear that there is an active plan to reduce world populations, and then enforce total control over everyone, everywhere. A (more…)

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574- When Sun- Based Calendars Replaced the Skyclock Reality Receded (Free)

The power of calendars and clocks goes largely unnoticed. Calendars are an approximation of what the Skyclock proves is true. The calendar we currently use is solar-based, and geared toward facilitating civil controls, as opposed to the synchronizing, healthy, rhythmic and cyclical truths provided by nature. Our current calendar is named after a pope (Gregory (more…)

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573- Do You Know the Difference between Private & Public? Let’s Talk Law (Free)

** Solar Telescope Footage ** My first solar telescope video is now posted for members under the “VIDEO” link at Crrow777Radio.com. I have officially started filming the Sun with new high-end tools. My search for the 2nd sun, and all other videos, will be published for members only, free of the censorship and control of (more…)

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572- You are what You Eat – Period (Free)

**NOTE TO MEMBERS** I will begin to post new telescopic footage on my website for members over the next week. The first video will cover the sun & eclipse, and what I suspect is true about the sun. Moving forward all of my telescope work will be published under the VIDEO link on the Crrow777Radio (more…)

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571- It all comes down to Vibration & Everything is Connected (Free)

In this episode we again cover the foundations of everything in our material world. Be it color, sound, light, matter, or any other thing in this creation, it can be attributed to vibration. Truly, all things are connected in our world… including all of us. Consider the vibrational rates of that which is created by (more…)

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570.5- Skyclock Luminaries, Let them be Signs for Seasons, Days & Years (Free)

2024 is sure to be a year of rapid change. Because of the growing interest in the coming full solar eclipse the media has seized the opportunity, and energies, to overlay extreme messages and fearful tidings. Even the National Guard is now implicated in an event that passed without incident a short 7 years ago. (more…)

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570- Nuclear Poppycock, Atomic Balderdash, Fear & Stagecraft (Free)

Simple logic applied to the so-called nuclear bomb drops of WWII prove that the story we have been told is fallacy. In episode 053 we outlined this nonsense in great detail. In this episode we take a new approach using science to further demonstrate that the “nuking” of cities is simply a scare tactic, and (more…)

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569- Old Way; Drugs Targeting Symptoms – New Way; Healing & Cures (Free)

The old systems of this world are falling apart, by both design and necessity. While many still cling to the old systems we have become used to, many more are looking for better systems. Our medical system is one of the old systems breathing its last breath. The days of petroleum-based drugs prescribed to target (more…)

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