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  • 610- The Beach is Permanently Open – Wannabe Autocrats get Schooled:

    The existing legal system is a sham. When 'agents of the system' are allowed to...

  • 263- Affidavit, a written Oath of Truth that Dissolves Fictions:

    Any updates on how the speeding ticket process went for you? I am dealing with o...

  • 263- Affidavit, a written Oath of Truth that Dissolves Fictions:

    Any updates on how the speeding ticket process went for you?...

  • 263- Affidavit, a written Oath of Truth that Dissolves Fictions:

    Hello- Wondering how your experience with the affidavits and speeding ticket out...

  • 585.5- Revelation of the Method 7-13-24 – Our Processing in the Alchemical Crucible:

    I’m reading the king kill right now. JFK was killed Nov,22 1963. 11+22=33. Thi...

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