334- New Scalar Devices Based on Nikola Tesla and Royal Raymond Rife (Free)

Our guest is a Rife researcher and inventor with a background in Electrical Engineering, Physics, and Computer Sciences. He has been researching and developing solutions to serious diseases since 2008, specializing in Energy and Scalar Resonance Healing, Biofeedback and PEMF Therapy. One of his many inventions is the Spooky II scalar device which Crow has (more…)

102 The Sun, Sky, Geo-engineering and Vulnerable Electrical Grid (Free)

    Geo-engineering is now openly under way as we are now told it cannot be stopped once started. Few people understand the coming 5G networks and electrical grid relate directly… and ultimately to globalization under one world power. To top it off a day may come when standing in the direct sun is no (more…)