245- There is No Lie in Nature – A Perfect Example (Free)

    There has and always will be an example of perfection in our world – called nature. This is why so much energy has been expended by those with power to separate living men and women from nature. This is done with time, food and knowledge and, of course, the Skyclock. If you learn (more…)

175- Conjunction Junction lost its Function – and so has School (Free)

    If we compare a typical education from the 1900s to now it is easy to see learning and the human mind are in free fall. We now understand the information age is actually the controlled information age and that the lowering of the human intellect has been going on for a long time (more…)

100 – I Graduated School and then got an Education (Free)

    This episode covers where our standard of education or lack thereof came from. There is a hidden cast system in the west and always has been. This system ensures lower levels of society serve the top half of one percent of the world population.