217- Good Waves = Water & Sun Light & the Opposite = Generation Five (Free)

    Our world is driven by offers. Many of the offers made are not clearly offers but once it is understood a counter offer can be made. From getting a shot to dealing with 5G, a method of reversing liability is emerging. Our guest today has attempted to add enforcement as the last step (more…)

181- Now we are Cookin’ with High Speed 5G Networks (Free)

    The digital revolution seeks to control and track all human beings and the networks designed to this end are 5G. These networks broadcast millimeter waves which were first weaponized by the military as “pain waves”. It can be shown that all microwave radiation is damaging to living things with cells and it is (more…)

121 – 5G Networks are on the way – Now we are Cookin’ (Free)

    Millimeter waves are used to create 5G networks but they are also weaponized and have been for a long time. Should communications networks share technology with weapons? This sets aside the massive infrastructure 5G requires which needs antennas every few feet to avoid “trees” absorbing the transmission. Trees have cells and water just (more…)