219- Cons T 2 Shun All Vio Lay Shun – the Kissinger Strategy (Free)

    Henry Kissinger was born in Bavaria in 1923. During his life-long political career he helped to shape world events at a level that allows us to compare him to Edward Bernays in terms of the shear scope of damage inflicted on the American population and the world. He held both Secretary of State (more…)

147 – The Coming Dictatorship – Technocracy, on a House near You Soon (Free)

    A thing must be measured to be engineered. Emerging technologies like 5G, smart meters and RFIDs are just a small part of what will soon be measuring us all – world-wide. Forget the new world order and the illuminati and prepare for Technocracy as the push to measure and track everything in under (more…)