219- Cons T 2 Shun All Vio Lay Shun – the Kissinger Strategy (Free)

    Henry Kissinger was born in Bavaria in 1923. During his life-long political career he helped to shape world events at a level that allows us to compare him to Edward Bernays in terms of the shear scope of damage inflicted on the American population and the world. He held both Secretary of State (more…)

158- Looking Back on the 1970s and 1980s – Back to the Future Again (Free)

    Moving into the 1970s and 80s, it is now easy to see the cultural programming that was planned and implemented. We now know that changing culture will, in fact, change the world. In the 70s and 80s we see the homogenization of culture through mass entertainment and music which began in earnest in (more…)