297- At Breakfast Freud said to Jung, Leggo My Eggo, Both had ID (Free)

    It turns out that what a mind accepts is a big deal in the modern era. Here we take a look at mainstream accounts of Psychology via Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung. We would do well to keep in mind that Edward Bernays is the double nephew of Freud and successful at reshaping (more…)

204- Engineering Away the Communal Water Cup – Bernays, the Master (Free)

    Looking around at the current state of crazy. We again look back at Edward Bernays where social engineering begins in earnest in the 20th century. It turns out PR and marketing can change the world and replace culture with pre-fabricated ideas of no value. Currently there is no reason to watch the film (more…)

079 The Weapon to End all Weapons ~ TV ~ Followed by Cinema & Radio (Free)

    The real weapon of mass destruction is Television. Along with Radio and cinema TV has been used to socially program our world and lower the human mind to infantile, animalistic levels in a short 3 generations. Claim back a higher mind as it cannot be programmed.

078 How One Man Helped Lower the Human Mind in 3 Generations – Edward Bernays (Free)

    This is the account of how one man related to Freud, Tavistock and the House of Windsor changed the culture of America using social programming. By the way he also invented Public Relations. Set up the chess board and be prepared to be pushed around.