306- How to Scare a City with Scarcity – Thinking Minds Fear Not! (Free)

Scarcity is an idea that has shaped the mechanics of both society and the market place. In the Common Era we could ask if the recent TP shortage was a true shortage or simply the result of minds filled with ideas of scarcity. I would suggest the latter. Even the word scarcity breaks down in (more…)

204- Engineering Away the Communal Water Cup – Bernays, the Master (Free)

    Looking around at the current state of crazy. We again look back at Edward Bernays where social engineering begins in earnest in the 20th century. It turns out PR and marketing can change the world and replace culture with pre-fabricated ideas of no value. Currently there is no reason to watch the film (more…)

076 Fear Programming Your Ego & the Control Construct Called CRUDE OIL (Free)

    Fear porn and false violent events require ego to work. Are you ready to use your higher mind and begin to understand false events? Also, the control construct that CRUDE OIL is. We cover the oil game in detail.