126 – A Potential State of Emergency Encompasses all Imagined States (Free)

    Star Wars shows you just how it is done – making the most of an emergency, I mean. There is a line in the sand that divides how the world used to be from how it is now. Look for the black monolith in NYC to understand. The monolith was first seen in (more…)

077 The Fall of Social Media to Censorship and FEMA – Protecting Your World (Free)

    Welcome back my friends to the show that will not end… Let’s cover the fall of social media to censorship and FEMA. We are through the looking glass and control is out in the open now. What is the capitol of Nevada? It isn’t Vegas! Oops I did it again.

073 If I Made a Hurricane, Could You Prove It? (Free)

    Research proves weather modification has been going on for over 100 years. Half a century back research into stopping hurricanes was under way. Endless laws exist from the UN to big nations stating it is unlawful to use weather as a weapon during war time. So is it legal to create bad weather (more…)