289- 1977 Star Wars – The Power of the Force over Weak Minds (Free)

    There are a number of ways we could have broken down the 1977 film Star Wars – from in-fighting between Masonic orders to the Acceptable Year of the Lord. Instead we have gone at archetypes and coding. In the mid-seventies film began to change, once again, with the blockbuster becoming a driving force (more…)

200- Fe-Sci-Fi-Fo-Fum, Fooling Minds to make them Dumb (Science Fiction) (Free)

    The first science fiction novel is likely Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein, released on (911 encode) January 1, 1818, while she was all of 20 years old. Jules Verne would be next releasing tales mixing science and fantasy, but the credit for the creation of science fiction as a literary device almost certainly goes to (more…)

126 – A Potential State of Emergency Encompasses all Imagined States (Free)

    Star Wars shows you just how it is done – making the most of an emergency, I mean. There is a line in the sand that divides how the world used to be from how it is now. Look for the black monolith in NYC to understand. The monolith was first seen in (more…)