130 – Speech Vibrates so we Assign Numbers & Everything Vibrates (Free)

This episode is meant to offer minds an older way of evaluating this world. It is a basic natural method and universal in its application. Vibration relates to everything we can sense in this world to include the numbers we think about in an effort to make sense of our world. From numerology to color (more…)

114 CYMATICS shows us that Waves Create Form – Visible Sound (Free)

    What we now call Cymatics has been known since ancient times but has been obscured and hidden from modern minds. Why you ask? Because waves create form and everything from light to electricity travels as waves. Even our thoughts are waves. Are you ready to create some reality?

109 Old Esoteric Ideas Secretly Married Modern Technology – Wayne Mcroy (Free)

    There has never been a time when world leaders forgot the old natural sciences that could be called alchemy. These old ideas have now been married to modern technology in the push to remove human beings from any connection to the natural world. Most of us have no idea what time it is (more…)