290- If it Exists it Vibrates & Cymatics Makes Visible this Hidden World (Free)

    Color, form, sound and temperature are all caused by a vibratory quality which is generally invisible to the eye. The art of cymatics is now re-emerging and provides a method for making visible that which we do not see. Cymatic patterns have been found carved in stone in old cathedrals and only now (more…)

269- The Meaning and Quality of Color as a Window to Knowing (Free)

    When looking at a flower we can know that color, form and aroma are all due to vibration rates. How is it that we temporarily lost the vast knowing that can be had from a simple glance at a flower? Or for that matter anything of color and form? From color alone one (more…)

211- Mind Creates Reality & Emotion is the Color & Fuel of the Creation (Free)

    Natural (Perfect/Godly) ideas are once again entering the minds of those tired of artificial nonsense. From spagyrics to natural law and medicine, the Godly truths of nature are emerging in this era. In this vein we cover Walter Russell who examined the natural world and gave us the Universal One, which holds ideas (more…)

130 – Speech Vibrates so we Assign Numbers & Everything Vibrates (Free)

This episode is meant to offer minds an older way of evaluating this world. It is a basic natural method and universal in its application. Vibration relates to everything we can sense in this world to include the numbers we think about in an effort to make sense of our world. From numerology to color (more…)