256- A Path to Freedom for those Fictitiously Lost at Sea (Free)

    We have done many shows on law and we feel like our guest may have found a path to the private realm. In this episode we lay down the timeline of what happened to us and when – and then, a workable solution to roll back your standing to pre-1933 standards, before you (more…)

252- Holding your Position and Rights, Knowing Public from Private (Free)

    We speak many words each day but most of us were never taught the actual (in use now) meaning of them. Many of the things we say mean the exact opposite of what we have intended to say. Until an effort is made to re-learn that words have meaning, being treated as lost (more…)

237- Law, I am Privately Glad to Know you’re Alive… Publicly not so much… (Free)

    Did you know that you can only exist in one of two realms with regard to current law? The Private Realm deals with living men and woman, and the Public Realm which deals with the dead. Did you know that the living cannot see the dead? Also a word to the wise – (more…)