356- Associating a Suit with Law – or Just Wear Shorts and Move Along (Free)

When defending your position it should be understood that if it goes the distance, a lawsuit may follow. With this in mind we have tried to paint an accurate picture of what that looks like. As with all aspects of law, how it is done and what strategy is used matters. It should also be (more…)

343- NoL – Don’t Tell me no Lies and Keep Your Hands to Yourself (Free)

It is very clear, at this point, that those who sit around doing nothing get what they get. On the other hand, comprehension and action can lead to successful outcomes in matters of law and human rights. We have been told our entire lives that we all have rights. And yet, the modern era is (more…)

312- Know Your Rights and Hold what was Spiritually Granted to You (Free)

I cannot imagine anything more important, in our current time, than defending your rights. You have been granted the divine spark and free will, things granted to no other living thing here. By chance our lives are happening in a time when the dark side is making a run to take it all — your (more…)

237- Law, I am Privately Glad to Know you’re Alive… Publicly not so much… (Free)

    Did you know that you can only exist in one of two realms with regard to current law? The Private Realm deals with living men and woman, and the Public Realm which deals with the dead. Did you know that the living cannot see the dead? Also a word to the wise – (more…)

111 Hey Judge, I seem to be in the WRONG Court – Law of the Sea (Free)

    In the modern age it might come in handy to understand what a human being should say and do when dragged before the Magi-strate. It seems the law of the sea is being applied to all who blindly walk through the legal process. The courts are using the strawman fiction to compel living (more…)