187- No Monkey Business – the Rhesus Factor (Free)

    It has been said that the life of the flesh is blood. But this does not explain how it came to be that two human beings can have incompatible blood types. The most common blood factor can be shown to relate to the natural world and animals in nature. So where did the (more…)

075 Hanuman the Monkey Man & the Fantasy Based Illusion of Time (Free)

    I have not accepted that the Rh+ blood antigen relates us to monkeys but this episode seeks to wrap up the idea. The second topic covered is time. I set out to show the complete fabricated, fantasy based nature of the time we currently follow. It is a control mechanism that pulls us (more…)

074 Rh Factors & the Rhesus Monkey – What’s in Blood? (Free)

    Is there a truly pure human bloodline in this world? It appears some would say yes while perpetuating 85% of the world shares lineage with the Rhesus Monkey. I guess Seth Green thinks most of the world is stupid monkeys based on this idea – along with the ruling class of O- and (more…)