165- Old McGoogle had some Code, AI, AI, Oh – Ghost in the Machine (Free)

    Artificial intelligence is now a part of many of the systems we all use daily. Currently China is the leader in this field and is already exporting surveillance and data collection to the western world. AI will lead to an Orwellian future unless something changes as it is on track to become part (more…)

090 Hey Eugene, Let’s Address Eugenics & the Idea of Being Well Born (Free)

    The idea of eugenics is little different than the way animals are treated at dog pounds. Treating animals in this way is often shameful which shows the un-defendable practice that is eugenics. This practice went unopposed until 1979 in the US and was even backed by the Supreme Court. Justice (Just-us) anyone?

074 Rh Factors & the Rhesus Monkey – What’s in Blood? (Free)

    Is there a truly pure human bloodline in this world? It appears some would say yes while perpetuating 85% of the world shares lineage with the Rhesus Monkey. I guess Seth Green thinks most of the world is stupid monkeys based on this idea – along with the ruling class of O- and (more…)