308- Gaming, Interactive Programming for a Fantasy Based Virtual World (Free)

Modern gaming evolves the mono-directional programming of TV into interactive programming, which is likely the most effective societal engineering tool in our world – behind fear. Gaming allows for real-time user data collection and can monitor entire living spaces in the home, depending on the system. As a whole, gaming will continue to move toward (more…)

168- AI – Statistical Probability – The Age of Machine Learning (Free)

    All you humans have a phone, AI, AI – OH! Any idea of idea humanity is lost in the age of AI as machine learning views you as a data base entry and statistical probability. This leads to full automation where things just happen with no number to call for those affected. On (more…)

165- Old McGoogle had some Code, AI, AI, Oh – Ghost in the Machine (Free)

    Artificial intelligence is now a part of many of the systems we all use daily. Currently China is the leader in this field and is already exporting surveillance and data collection to the western world. AI will lead to an Orwellian future unless something changes as it is on track to become part (more…)

163- This Moment and the Future now Exist Simultaneously – the Data Paradox (Free)

    Wayne McRoy talks about his second book and ancillary topics. We have now reached a paradox where not only this moment is real but data makes the future real too. This is a door that has likely never been walked through as only the current moment has ever existed in the past. It (more…)

156- The Great Baldini & the Modern Age (Free)

    The Great Baldini returns by popular demand to finish the conversation we started in episode 154. At the root of our talk we cover the modern age by addressing what is and what should never be.

154- Infinite Data a Map of Your Life (free)

    Data collection has reached a level where available data could be considered as infinite. Using modern data mining tools this allows an accurate view of the future and the ability to predict events to a certainty. It also provides a complete map of your entire life including when, how and where you will (more…)

139 – Predicting the Effects of Technology in the Near Future – The 2020 Milestone (Free)

    We can logically work out it is very likely that in the next few years we will begin to see massive unemployment due to technology or specifically automation. If correct the huge numbers of unemployed will be among the largest segment of the population – those without higher education. And this is only (more…)

081 Artificial Data Collection vs. the Natural World – Digital Night vs. Natural Light (Free)

    A formal announcement in 2001 launched us into a devil may care race away from the natural world. The replacement world we are entering is artificial and exists without perfection. The natural world is perfect from our point of view. As we leave the natural light of day a digital night is coming.

061 The Big Data Time Machine & Our Future 1984 Free

    In my view it is very likely future generations will commiserate over the way we so freely gave away our data – in essence allowing groups with ill intent to peer into the future, shape and control it. We need to think about our data much differently then we have up to this (more…)

057 Transhumanism is Coming – the Real Matrix Free

    Since the 1940s the idea of Cybernetics has been in play and this is the foundation for Transhumanism – or merging people with machines. There is a full frontal push to implement this idea and it appears many of our cultural past-times paved the way. From Sci-Fi to Social Media, transhumanism has always (more…)