336- The New Book “Twilight Language” with the Author (Free)

This is a one hour member’s only episode covering the new book Twilight Language with the author. As you can see by the title and this text, the threat of sens-shore-ship exists. This book is a sequel to Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare which was published 19 years ago and most followers are aware that (more…)

328- The Middle 60s, an Operational Milestone Leading to Now – Part II (Free)

This episode is part II of a series that started with episode 326 which covers the 1960s. We will close (soon) the 60s trilogy with a part III covering primarily, the Moon, Manson and Woodstock. The so-called British Invasion leads us into the mid-sixties and it is accurately named as it was, in fact, the (more…)

326- The 60s, an Operational Milestone Leading to Now (Free)

How did we get to where we are now? By chance or by design? Almost certainly a little of both, but engineering commands the lion’s share of societal realities that we currently live with. As a matter of fact, the mind precedes all reality and it is the human mind that leads us to the (more…)

284- All in the Family, if You Still Have One – Children not Included (Free)

    We are approaching a time where huge numbers of the elderly will have no children to take care of them because the world birth rate has been falling for some time. This will come to pass due to the systematic destruction of the so-called family unit. The full frontal assault on historic family (more…)

277 – Was my Grandfather older than Stonehenge? His-Story Dominates (Free)

    When one takes time to apply logic and common sense to historical accounts, it all falls apart very quickly. What is the true history of this world and what is being covered up with improvable nonsense? Is it possible there was a time when humans lived much better and longer than we do (more…)

171- 24/7 Hits 88 MPH in the mid 80’s – Convert 3,14,14 (Free)

There is a line in the sand we can show in 1986 when the 24 hour news cycle announced its intent to use old myths and shock value to drive so called news. It has been the same ever since and anyone who understands this can understand the source and hence the false messages. Truth (more…)

156- The Great Baldini & the Modern Age (Free)

    The Great Baldini returns by popular demand to finish the conversation we started in episode 154. At the root of our talk we cover the modern age by addressing what is and what should never be.

116 Please tell me the Difference between News, Entertainment & Programming (Free)

    After this episode there should be little doubt in any mind what news is, where is comes from and what it is designed to do. It comes from the top of a hierarchy and it is designed to sway public opinion… or in a word – PROGRAMMING. It is what it is and (more…)