328- The Middle 60s, an Operational Milestone Leading to Now – Part II (Free)

This episode is part II of a series that started with episode 326 which covers the 1960s. We will close (soon) the 60s trilogy with a part III covering primarily, the Moon, Manson and Woodstock. The so-called British Invasion leads us into the mid-sixties and it is accurately named as it was, in fact, the (more…)

326- The 60s, an Operational Milestone Leading to Now (Free)

How did we get to where we are now? By chance or by design? Almost certainly a little of both, but engineering commands the lion’s share of societal realities that we currently live with. As a matter of fact, the mind precedes all reality and it is the human mind that leads us to the (more…)

287- The Skyclock using the Sidereal Method & an Accurate Prediction Proven (Free)

    The nighttime sky is magical, but this truth is lost on so many of us, for one simple reason, lack of knowing. After all, have you ever considered why any given constellation is assigned a particular idea? It is because that mythical creature or personage has a story and by extension the entire (more…)

281- A Living Woman, a Job, Common Sense and Morality – Agent J Returns (Free)

    It has been a tough year for most of the world. When all is said and done, did you conduct yourself in honor or will you look back in regret? Our guest remained in honor as an example of light in the face of non-stop pressure from her employer, holding her position and (more…)

202- Big Events in the 2020 Skyclock, Hyper-Change Below (Free)

    A once in a generation skyclock event falls on 12-21-2020 and it is not the only big heavenly event this year. With Olympics and so called elections and over 200 CEO’s jumping ship, hyper-change seems imminent. Remove zeros from the year to see the master builder and know the work will culminate on (more…)