082 The Un-natural Zero Construct – a Base 10 Fantasy (Free)

    There is an imposter hiding in the base ten system. Zero has no natural existence and has been used to pull minds into a fantasy based reality. Zero or the absence of everything has no basis in a natural reality which should be the benchmark for EVERYTHING. – And likely once was.

065 The Phantom Jesuit and Benedictine Histories – Logical Nonsense, Free

    Of all the shows I have done trying to nail down anything but nonsense, historical Jesuit and Benedictine history proved near impossible. If these orders did help re-write history it may well be that they started with their own histories. Did the Jesuits head a chronology re-write with Benedictines as the scribes? If (more…)

064 His-story is a Lie Agreed Upon and the Sun helps prove it Free

    It appear that world his-story was jacked up in or around the middle ages. We currently follow a Scaligerian chronology from a man named Josephus who has been endlessly shown to be false or even non-existent. As fate would have our sky clock – the only clock that matters – proves the false (more…)