Epi011 – Our encoded world, deception by the numbers, numerology & gematria
Hoax David Bowie Death, Hoax deaths of famous musicians, learning like a human being, Princes faked death, the space lie, faked shuttle accident,
Hoax David Bowie Death, Hoax deaths of famous musicians, learning like a human being, Princes faked death, the space lie, faked shuttle accident,
The Windows 10 operation system is openly collecting more data than ever before and is modeled on what is already being done to
Chemtrails, NASA lies, moon illusion, flat earth, age of deception, the ruling class, royalty, the sun, death, fake celebrity death, death hoaxes, Satanists,
The music that controlled a generation Music industry psyop, military industrial complex, CIA, Woodstock, laurel canyon, Monterrey Pop Festival, Charles Manson hoax, hoax
Tones, sound, weaponized music, destruction tones, 911, perceived reality, false echoes through time, history, dinosaur hoax, effecting false flags attacks, mind is temple,
Researching subtext & encoding to understand modern media Space portals, movie encoding, Space as water, prison planet, Babylon, moon child, Parson & NASA
How average people wake up to the age of deception WE TALK ABOUT THE GREAT AWAKENING AND -100th monkey, astrology, war, pagan religion,
Randy has filmed the lunar wave twice from Houston Texas. We talk about the lunar wave in depth, our shared experiences filming with