346- Your Account is Closed, Have a Nice Day (Free)
I think we can agree that that majority of communication now takes place online, and as recently as 2010 digital communication was mostly unmolested. This
I think we can agree that that majority of communication now takes place online, and as recently as 2010 digital communication was mostly unmolested. This
A simple question: Do all living things in this creation have a purpose? Observation: There is no lie in nature and therefore nature is perfect
A while back I asked to meet an Arabic speaker who knows the culture and Koran. This episode is that request fulfilled. The reason for
It is very clear, at this point, that those who sit around doing nothing get what they get. On the other hand, comprehension and action
When my generation was young we were taught, in school, that this is a nation of laws. We were also taught about our rights and
This is part III of the transhumanism trilogy. Within these 3 episodes we have outlined the stated goals of the transhumanism movement and that it
Subtitle: Fear and Loathing of Lost Wages … and Services Based on: Corporate policies Starring: Everybody Directed by: You Countries: All Release date: 3/11/2020 Running
Two of the stated goals of Transhumanism are to cure disease and create longer life-spans, using machines. According to the old natural sciences this is